New Production Company for ‘Olive Tree – The Great Survival’

26th Jun 2020

News about Valia - The movie

New Production Company

Portman Collier has incorporated a dedicated production company for ‘Olive Tree – The Great Survival’, a large scale theatrical movie, with companion documentary and other related products.


Portman Collier is one of seven shareholders and Deborah Collier is one of seven Executive Producers, including an award winning documentary producer, an Oscar winning film and TV executive producer, a relative of the survivor, two university professors and the private investigator who uncovered and helped raise awareness of this astonishing true story.   Portman’s Executive Producer Deborah Collier has been working with some of the project founders over the last 6-months on various funding documentation, and is now leading the new dedicated company / production as Executive Producer. She will also have creative and marketing oversight.

Budget & Fundraising

The production company is currently focused on the theatrical film, which has a $20-million budget. The team are targeting initial stage funding, but are also exploring the potential of reaching full budget from a single source.   Investors wishing to find out more about the opportunity are invited to contact Portman Collier for further information, and more detailed information about the story and film, which is currently kept from public view.

Project Details